Corsi di Italiano

NOI Bimbi

Sessione Invernale/Winter Session 2025

Registration now open

 Gruppo Orsetti 1

  • Eta': dai 2 ai 3 anni.
  • Requisiti: richiesta la partecipazione di un genitore.
  • Livello conoscenza della lingua: nessuna

Orsetti Group  

  • Age: 2 to 3 years old.
  • Requirement: a parent is required to stay during the class
  • Language level: any level
 Day Start/end time 
 1/11 9.15 -10.00
 1/25  9.15 -10.00
2/1  9.15 -10.00
2/22 9.15 -10.00
3/8 9.15 -10.00
3/15 9.15 -10.00
3/22 9.15 -10.00
3/29 9.15 -10.00


8 lessons in total, 45 minutes each

  • Il Punto Members $200
  • Non-members $275


Location: ROOM 3 Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

    Gruppo Orsetti 2

    • Eta': dai 2 ai 3 anni.
    • Requisiti: richiesta la partecipazione di un genitore.
    • Livello conoscenza della lingua: nessuna

    Orsetti Group  

    • Age: 2 to 3 years old.
    • Requirement: a parent is required to stay during the class
    • Language level: any level
     Calendar  Start/end time 
     1/11  10.15-11
     1/25  10.15-11
    2/1  10.15-11
    2/22 10.15-11
    3/8 10.15-11
    3/15 10.15-11
    3/22 10.15-11
    3/29 10.15-11

    8 lessons in total, 45 minutes each

    • Il Punto Members $200
    • Non-members $275

    Registration link:

    Location: ROOM 3 Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 9

     Gruppo Koala 1 

    • Eta': dai 4  anni.
    • Livello conoscenza italiano: principiante, intermedio

    Koala Group 

    • Age: 4 years and up.
    • Language level: beginner to intermediate
     Calendar  Start/end time 
    1/11   9.15-10
    1/25 9.15-10
    2/1 9.15-10
    2/22 9.15-10
    3/8 9.15-10
    3/15  9.15-10
    3/22 9.15-10
    3/29 9.15-10

    8 lessons in total, 45 minutes each 

    • Il Punto Members $200
    • Non-members $275

      SOLD OUT

      Teacher: Daniela Balestra

      Location: ROOM 6 Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

        Gruppo Koala  2

        • Eta': dai 4  anni.
        • Livello conoscenza italiano: principiante, intermedio

        Koala Group 

        • Age: 4 years and up.
        • Language level: beginner to intermediate
         Calendar  Start/end time 
        1/11    10.15-11
        1/25 10.15-11
        2/1 10.15-11
        2/22 10.15-11
        3/8 10.15-11
        3/15 10.15-11
        3/22 10.15-11
        3/29 10.15-11

        8 lessons in total, 45 minutes each 

        • Il Punto Members $200
        • Non-members $275
        SOLD OUT

        Teacher: Daniela Balestra

        Location: ROOM 6 Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

           Gruppo Panda 1
          • Eta': dai 6 anni (frequenta almeno prima elementare)
          • Livello conoscenza italiano: intermedio

          Panda Group 

          • Age: 6  years and up (entering 1st grade) 
          • Language level: Intermediate

           Calendar Start/end time 
          1/11  11.15-12
          1/25 11.15-12
          2/22 11.15-12

          8 lessons in total, 45 minutes each 

          • Il Punto Members $200
          • Non-members $275
          Registration closed

          Teacher: Daniela Balestra

          Location: ROOM 6 Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

           Gruppo Panda 2
          • Eta': dai 9 anni (frequenta almeno quarta elementare)
          • Livello conoscenza italiano: intermedio

          Panda Group 

          • Age: 9 years and up (entering 4th grade)
          • Language level: Intermediate
           Calendar Start/end time 
          1/11   12.15-13
          1/25 12.15-13
          2/1 12.15-13
          2/22 12.15-13
          3/15 12.15-13

          8 lessons in total, 45 minutes each 

          • Il Punto Members $200
          • Non-members $275

          Registration closed

          Teacher: Daniela Balestra

          Location: ROOM 6 Phinney Neighborhood Association, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

          Registration links

          Il Punto! P.O. Box 30674, Seattle, WA 98113

          Il Punto is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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