Marco Zuccari North West Tour

This past October, Seattle hosted Marco Zuccari, an Italian writer and Dante scholar. He visited the local Italian cultural Centers Il Punto, DA Society, Casa Italiana and Portland State University. For each location, Il Punto organized a calendar of presentations for Marco, with topics about his books and offering a "Dante Show" designed by Marco, which has been very successful in Italy. 

All presentations were in Italian.  

October 18, 2023 - Portland State University   

Dante: Parole e Musica Show – the Divine Comedy's most famous passages with a music commentary

Marco also briefly introduced his books about his family's history at the turn of the century. All participants enjoyed the event.

The main comment was, "Thank you so much to "Il Punto" from Seattle for bringing Marco Zuccari's "Dante Show" to Portland State University! It was such a beautiful evening and what a treat! Literature, music, and theater all in one. An evening to remember". 

October 21, 2023 - 

Biblioteca Italiana Seattle @Casa Italiana 

Marco presented his books about his family's history at the turn of the century. 

The novel "Come un servo infedele" is offered in two books in the Italian version. Next year, the upcoming English version ─ "As an unfaithful servant" ─ will be in one book.

During Marco's presentation, Barto and Keith from "Il Punto" read two short episodes for the audience in English.


October 25, 2023 

Lecture on Dante: A modern take on Dante’s message 

Topics covered: Dante and the Italian language, Dante & politics, Dante's moral message and the modernity of his works for the contemporary readers.


October 28, 2023 - 6PM

Dante: Parole e Musica Show – the Divine Comedy’s most famous passages with a music commentary.

St. Clement's Church

Everyone who attended the show loved it, both Italians and Americans. The structure of the show, with the alternation of readings, acting, and music, made it easy for participants to follow the show. In addition, Marco performed very well: the words were well articulated, and Marco's passion for Dante's readings was evident.


Il Punto! P.O. Box 30674, Seattle, WA 98113

Il Punto is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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